Ludo Legend is a digital adaptation of the beloved board game Ludo, where players roll a die to move their tokens from the starting point to the finish line. The game can be enjoyed in single-player mode against computer opponents or in multiplayer mode with friends on the same device. The objective is to get all your tokens into a safehouse before your opponents do. However, beware of your opponents, as they can send your tokens back to the starting point if they land on a spot occupied by one of your tokens.
Mini Golf Adventure
Ludo Legend
description Description
Ludo Legend is a digital adaptation of the beloved board game Ludo, where players roll a die to move their tokens from the starting point to the finish line. The game can be enjoyed in single-player mode against computer opponents or in multiplayer mode with friends on the same device. The objective is to get all your tokens into a safehouse before your opponents do. However, beware of your opponents, as they can send your tokens back to the starting point if they land on a spot occupied by one of your tokens.
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Ludo Legend
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